We can find your next investment
360 works with investors to maximise ROI, develop and build portfolios, and create ‘arm chair’ investment opportunities.
Investors usually turn to us when:
They’re looking to build wealth but do not have the time to put in to property;
Frustrated with the current return on their money;
Have an interest in property investment but do not know what strategy suits their situation.
We help investors take an open minded approach and expand, or create a new direction in their investment journey.
At 360, we aim to continue grow our Investment Partners and do so as a direct result of our very different approach to other alternatives:
We offer monthly cash flow, lump sum payments, joint property ownership, create portfolios, and other creative strategies with the objective to building long term wealth;
We use an uber-simple approach and framework;
Capital growth and cash flow options;
Compliant, ethical and transparent in our approach to ensure a WIN-WIN for all parties.
Maximising YOUR return on investment
Every investment opportunity that we work on has the number one aim of giving as big a return on investment as possible, whilst analysing and minimising risk. Other than ensuring customer satisfaction, this is our core focus in any deal.
Minimise the risk
Our experience in the property investment sector means that we don't take risks with your money or our own. We read the markets and assess every deal before looking for any external investors to joint venture with us on a property deal. This means you get well thought-out and calculated opportunity with risks fully assessed throughout the project.